Sunday, February 12, 2012

He really WAS wearing Army Boots

ORN:  10.3 miles, 1:49:35, 10:39/mile

The new ten mile route I'm enjoying involves a down and up on The Only Hill In Our Fair City.  The community trail route now available traverses the roughly 200 vertical feet from our flat neighborhood to the flats along the Wabash River.  Not much, but, hey, it's the best we can do.

On the way back up the hill, I fell in with a guy who was running in US Army issue sweat pants and Army boots.  We got talking and he mentioned he was running up and down this hill getting ready to run Bataan Death March Memorial Marathon in New Mexico on March 25.  He had done the short version of it once before...this time the full 26.2.  In Army boots.  Plus, it was to be his first marathon, ever.  We had a good talk.  And I wish him well.

I also added this to my "Someday, Maybe" list of marathons.  Wow.

For now, I passed test 4 of the 6 I need to get through for Kal-Haven.  Next weekend is the "Final Exam", though...20 on Saturday then 14 on Sunday.

Persevere.  And remember those who have marched before us.



  1. I did a report in high school on the Bataan Death March. What a tragic experience and very very worthy of being remembered through out history!

    Keep up the good work, Joe! You got all "A"s so far :-)

  2. Hope those long runs go well!

    Are you posting everyday now (or nearly)? It's almost like the blogging good 'ole days of 2006. ;-)
