ORN: 14.5 miles, 2:31:31, 10:27/mile
Some days, the most crucial step of a run is the one that takes you out the door.
Such was the case for me today. I've really, really enjoyed the unusually mild winter we've had so far...what a nice break from our usual December-February for this year-round outdoor runner. But a cold front whistled in after a light snowfall on Friday, dropping temps into the teens overnight with a 25 mph wind pounding from the northwest.
In addition, I had test #3 of 6 to take today...this one a 14 miler. I had to cut short a normal run on Thursday with some severe soreness in my right hip. Today, I had to get out in the cold for 14.
As so often happens, once out the door, it went OK. After all, my temperature chart never lets me down, right? And so I got the miles in. Surprisingly, at a pace better than I had anticipated. The right hip was a bit stiff but slowly loosened over the 2+ hours outdoors.
Test passed. Running--an A-. Attitude--C. But a pass. Still on track for Kal-Haven.
excellent. I ran on the treadmill, because I don't like the cold (and I wanted to run in Vibrams).