Monday, February 13, 2012

Eight Years Old

Hard to believe, but our twin grandsons are eight years old today.  What a journey it's been.  Now they are in second grade, reading and doing multiplication and generally enjoying life.

From Family-General

It is a real gift they live a mere 10 minute drive away.  Our son is midway through nursing school.  His deployments as a US Army medic have prepared him well.  His wife holds a significant teaching appointment in the manufacturing section of our local community college.  They love these two guys and their little's a true blessing to have them near and to enjoy warm relationships with all five of them.

Thanks for enjoying this with me.



  1. most awesome. you make an excellent grandpa :-)

  2. That's wonderful!

    Just this morning I told Bart he can never move more than a few hours away from here. If he does I may just follow him. :-)
