Saturday, February 02, 2008

Quiet Running

ORN: 7 miles, 1:08:22, 9:46/mile, R5/W1

It has been fun over the past month or so to read of your marathon plans and maniac plans and triathalon plans and even green-hued automobiles. I’ve lived vicariously through all of you.

I’ve just been quietly running. Having abandoned plans for two spring marathons, I’ve relaxed and am just ramping up the mileage gently and consistently. I’m just enjoying running for the sake of running. And it is fun. I’m paying attention to form, keeping with the core and quad strength exercises. It is fascinating to note the impact of core strength; I’m surprised and liking it.

Good luck in all the races.



  1. I need to work on core strength but the time??? I did hold a plank for 2.5 minutes so I'm not too bad off but I could improve.

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    It all starts with the basics, Joe. I think the enjoyment you get out of running is the important part.

  3. Sounds great! It all boils down to having fun. Glad you're enjoying the simple pleasures of running!

  4. Good to hear from you. I realized that you'd been quiet for a while. I was close to sending a note or a call. Nothing wrong with enjoying running, nothin' at all.

  5. Funny, I recently had a conversation about just that - the day when no race looms and running is just for the sake of running. That's how it used to be for me, and how I think it will be again some day. I'm glad you are enjoying it Joe - life's simple pleasures.

  6. I concur on the feels good just to run. I'll try that in two weeks when this next one is done and the one after that isn't until October.

  7. Those kinds of runs are good when you are training too hard as well. Good to hear from ya, Joe!! :-)

  8. Joe,
    I believe it is truely all about the basics and enjoying it. Why do it otherwise? Stay healthy and re-energize your soul.
