Saturday, February 09, 2008

New Treatment for the Common Cold

ORN: 8.2 miles, 1:22:07, 10:01/mile, R4/W1

The cough first set in late Tuesday afternoon. I knew what would follow. Three work associates had been hacking and sniffing for the previous week and I figured it was pretty much just a matter of time before my head plugged up too.

The combination of the cold and a bodacious work schedule caused me to flat out miss a run on Thursday. I flipped back through my logs and it’s been well over a year since I’ve missed a scheduled run. I felt really bad about missing the run and not just for having the miles short on my weekly total. I observed about 20 years ago three indicators for me to assess if my life is in balance, very much equivalent to the physical vital signs of pulse, blood pressure and respiration rate. The three indicators for me are running regularly, reading the Bible daily and flossing my teeth each evening. If I start missing any of these three, I know something else is amiss and I need to take stock.

While my teeth have been quite squeaky clean, the other two disciplines were slipping this week. So I opted out of some other obligations and spent some extended time this morning reading Scripture. It was deep and very useful. Then, this afternoon, an amazing 44 degrees of sunshine graced our fair city. Despite the head congestion, I went out and had a most enjoyable 8 mile run. It was the best my head has felt in 5 days.

I’m grateful.

Here’s best wishes to blogging buddy David who is running the hills of the Mercedes Marathon in Birmingham, Alabama tomorrow in near-perfect conditions. Rock on, David…your preparation will serve you well!!



  1. Three vital signs, huh? I don't think I have any. I don't miss runs to often - I lose sleep before runs. I guess maybe one of mine would be food - how much and of what quality would be an indicator. Mostly my grouchiness level gives me and everyone around me a clue!

  2. I really like your vital signs idea. It is important to have balance in life and its great that you've identified your most important components. I might try that for myself. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Interesting vital signs! I'm not sure I have anything quite like that. I'll have to ponder that. But I have discovered too that often the best cure for a head cold is a good run!

  4. Interesting concept: vital signs. I like it. I have some myself - and two of them are the same as yours, she says through plaquey teeth.

  5. Joe-
    How true that is. Mine are out of balance currently also. My training this week has shown it.

  6. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Thanks for the shout out. You are fight, the weather was perfect. The hills are another matter.

  7. Glad the run was able to clear your mind, and that your teeth are squeaky clean ;-)

  8. Good cold remedy. That running has a way of clearing out a lot of things.

  9. All good stuff Joe. Of the three disciplines running is about the only one I get done with any consistency and even that hasn't been anywhere near perfect lately. You'd think in my industry I'd be better at the flossing. Lastly and most sadly my quiet time in the Word has been severely lacking for some time now. Thanks for the reminder to get back to the basics.

  10. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I like your viatl signs, Joe! I would have to take a serious concern with myself as I am two weeks behind on my daily Bible readings, about the same on the nightly flossing and I can only manage my running on the weekend. I guess there is a loophole since I don't schedule runs during the week.

  11. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I loved this post, thanks for sharing.
    I hope you have completely recovered from your cold.
    Take care.
