ORN: 10.3 miles total, including 5K, 26:06, 8:23/mile
We are taking a vacation this week in Door County, Wisconsin. This is what I get to see out the window each morning…wow. We’ve been coming up here for 23 years now. We usually came in June or July, though, since school schedules dictated vacation options. With the “empty nest” now, we can pick our own schedule. Visiting here after Labor Day allows much lower rates, less traffic, quiet walks and cooler temperatures. For Gretchen and me, the
Not to mention good running.
Door County consists of a number of small villages along a narrow peninsula between Lake Michigan and Green Bay. A network of county roads and public parks on rolling hills makes for an endless variety of visually appealing and challenging runs. This topography, coupled with the cool temperatures, low humidity and clear blue skies of early autumn, makes running here about as enjoyable as it gets.
After long runs the past two weekends, the schedule today called for a 10 mile run to include a 5km time trial. Galloway’s idea is to stress the body at a prescribed pace that will mimic the aerobic demands of the target race. All that works out to a 5K target time of 25:15 for me.
So, I set out this morning exploring the country roads. The Garmin, as useful as it is in many setting, earns its price when traveling. I explored and ran out a little over 5 miles, turned around and headed back to the condo. I did 6+ miles at a 10:30 pace, using a 5/1 ratio. I took a walk break, reset the Garmin to the “Virtual Trainer” mode and set off on the time trail. Mile one was exactly on target pace at 8:07, with mile two almost there at 8:13. I could still make that up. Yet, during mile 3, I could feel my form break down, my left thigh and hip began to tighten and it all leaked to an 8:49 mile. I pushed the last tenth with an 8:17 pace but still missed my target time by 51 seconds.
I’m disappointed I missed this target. Does it call into question my shot at a 4:15 marathon in Huntsville? I don’t think so. It helps to keep focus on all the training that remains.
And, yeah, I’ll persevere.
What a beautiful place to run! What do you think about doing your time trial at the end of your 6 miles? Is that what Galloway recommends? I would think I'd rather do it at the front or the middle than at the end. Ya know? We are always at our tiredest (? word) at the end :-)
My recommended marathon goal time is 4:15 too. Maybe we'll be able to hang together longer than I though...
Sounds like a great vacation.
BTW, Marathon and Beyond has an article in the current edition about Huntsville's Rocket City Marathon.
I used to go to Door County many, many years ago when I lived in Chicago. It is beautiful.
I can see the lake but I don't see any hills! Looks kinda flat to me around there.
I'd continue with some speed work and perhaps enter a couple of 10K's or half marathons before Huntsville. Run comfortable from the start and push yourself hard the last 5K of either race. If you are not huffing and puffing when you cross the line you went too easy. I think that training at a shorter race makes speed work much more entertaining and enjoyable. Hopefully your weather has cooled enough and the humidity is low enough that training will be more comfortable than it has his summer.
I have good friends who live in Door County! Right on the water! She is a pastor at a Lutheran Church nearby and her husband is retired from Boeing. What a life. Looks like beautiful running too.
Beautiful scenery! A stack of books and no schedule sounds wonderful. We need a vacation like that...
I'm not handing out any advice on speed or training. My advice boils down to this: get out the door and run. Do it a lot! Enjoy your break.
Great to see the post Dad of a place I remember well from my youth. The soreness might have something to do with all the ice cream we eat up there too. I'm no scientist or runner, but thought I would help. Have fun and get off the computer, your on vacation.
Man, that is a sweet view and the terrain, schedule and weather sound spectacular. I wish I could join you.
Tough on the time trial but, eh; you're not supposed to be on a schedule up there, right?
That looks so pretty! I say not bad for a vacation run. : )
This looks like an absolutely perfect spot for a vacation. Your intinerary sounds just about perfect too. I'd be more jealous if I wasn't fresh off the Caribbean cruise ship. Enjoy your time together, you have certainly earned it.
I share your warm feelings for Door County. I have been lucky enough to spend a couple of weeks there in my life and I loved it. Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, and further on up are all beautiful! I just wrote about speed work on my blog and as much as it hurts to do it, I think it is critical for both solid training on an ongoing basis and meeting race time goals. Keep after it!
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