Long-time readers of this blog (both of them) may remember our oldest son, David, is currently on his second tour of duty as an Army Medic in Iraq. He's in a Baghdad-based transportation company which means he goes out on convoys regularly, serving other Army bases in and around Baghdad. He's the medic on the convoy, meaning he's the first guy to stabalize any injuries that happen while on the roads.
As I listened to the debate in Washington this week about our presence in Iraq and in Baghdad in particular, a wave of emotions came over me. Can't even begin to describe it but I did feel distant from David, really wanting to talk to him or have some contact. Imagine then my joy when he emailed this photo to his wife Susan and us about 30 minutes ago.

David is on the left. These four guys spend their time in a truck. A "Band of Brothers"? Yeah, probably. I'm thrilled to see them smiling. I'm thrilled to see them wearing their flack vests.
Smile with me. Thanks for your prayers for David and all our soldiers.
Persevere. David sure is.
Tell David how much we all appreciate him, his service, and sacrifice and look forward to the day he comes home.
My good thoughts and good wishes go out to David, his buddies and to our good friend Elaine every day. I can't even begin to imagine what you are feeling...pride, fear, love, strength, courage, fear, anxiety and more love are what runs through my mind.
that is a great photo, and the timing perfect, bless you all
Sending my good wishes and thanks to David ..... and all our troops.
Now that's an answered prayer.
It sure is good to see him and the others looking well.
My prayers and best thoughts are going his way, too. Having spent my life as an army brat, I feel an affinity to all soldiers. The smiles look great, Joe. I'm sure this must have eased your mind, somewhat.
That they're smiling and relaxed is a good tonic for worried loved ones at home. They're doing what they want to do and we're all grateful. When does he rotate home or next get leave?
It must be so amazing to get pictures of your son. Being apart is bad enough, but worrying about his safety has to be so difficult. My thoughts are with you and your family! And thank you to your son for his sacrifices for our country.
I smile with you. It's reassuring to see him and others smiling. He is one of many that makes me proud. Proud to be an American.
Tell David-"Thank you" from my family and me. That's a great photo and I can imagine how that I would feel if my son were there. Blees you and your family
What a great picture Joe. My prayers will be on the way.
joe. awesome. praying for david and for you and your family.
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