ORN: 14.0 miles, 2:27:20, 10:32/mile, R/W 4/1
After a really lousy long run several weeks ago, I truly wondered if I should show up and attempt the Kal-Haven 33.5 mile Trail Run, even though I had registered last December. After I bonked, badly, on a simple 18 mile training run, I seriously questioned if it was wise to take on this trail race again.
I went back to the drawing board, so to speak, read up on ultramarathon training and modified my pattern of three 5 mile runs during the week and a single long run on the weekend. Instead, I went to two 5 milers and then two long runs on the weekend. I gave myself three weekends of this pattern to see if I could take the increased mileage, knowing I'd need it to enjoy the Kal-Haven race.
Today was final test in the series of 6 runs. And I passed. After doing 20 miles yesterday, I followed up with 14 very enjoyable miles this afternoon. No pain, no soreness, no nothing (no eagles either, but, hey, you can't expect that on every run). And my last mile of the day was the quickest of the entire weekend, a Kenyan-esque 9:43. The last three weeks have had 41, 31 and 45 miles, respectively. And I've enjoyed it, with no negative results.
So, I'm going to book a room in scenic Kalamazoo, Michigan for March 23, take an early start the next morning and enjoy a long day in the woods. With more confidence than I had a few weeks ago.
You can never stop learning. Big lesson there.
Great news! Those successful back-to-back weekend runs sure are confidence boosters!
ReplyDeleteI will see you on the trail.