Saturday, October 17, 2009


ORN:  20.4 miles, R2/W1, 11:12/mile
Well, that was disappointing.
After the problems with my right knee over the last 8 miles of the Portland Marathon, I decided to forgo my planned run of the Monumental Marathon in Indy on November 7.   As a result, I refigured my training plans for the rest of the year and I was quite pleased with the layout.  It meant I got to do more long training runs here at home.
The first one was set for today, a 23 miler.  I was quite excited about it.  I modified the route and timing, so I could make a big loop through the Purdue campus before the start of the big football game today with Ohio State, just to enjoy the atmosphere.  (Little did I anticipate my Boilers would upset the #7 ranked Buckeyes!!  What a wonderful surprise!)
The run was nice...I took it easy at a simple 2/1 pace and enjoyed the temps in the low 40s.  But, out of the blue around mile 19, I felt my right knee start to lock up again, just as it did two weeks ago in Portland around mile 18.  Today, by mile 20, I simply could not run.  I had to walk the 2.5 miles back home. 
Which gave me time to think.  Re-think.  Wonder.  Question.
And after all that, I'm not sure just what I'm going to do.  Part of me says to bag racing for the winter and work back towards a spring marathon.  Part of me says to not panic, stay with the plan.  Part of me says to follow advice of a lot of trainers who say to NEVER do a training run longer than 20 miles. 
I truly welcome your comments and advice.  I trust the educated input of all of my blogger pals. 
What is clear, is to persevere.  In the grand scheme of things, this is not a big deal. 


  1. Sorry the knee isn't cooperating!

    I wouldn't give up hope yet on the 50k in December. Under the circumstances, 23 miles was probably too long, too soon after Portland. I would rest a bit and then see if you can gently increase your mileage again to target the HUFF 50k. With your base, you can likely do it without a training run over 20.

    If after some rest and successful shorter runs, the long run doesn't go well, I'd take it easy over the winter and work toward something in the spring.

  2. I'm inclined to agree with Sarah, 23 miles two weeks post marathon when you had knee issues may have been too soon.

    I never did more than 18 between Missouri and Iowa. Give the knee some time. You've still got time before HUFF to be ready.

  3. I agree that your attempt at 23 two weeks after Portland was a risk.
    I don't know if you know all you need to know about how your body reacted to Portland. I thought I was fine until I went in for a massage while you were running your 23. It was a surprise what work I needed to get reset for the next training regimen.

  4. ok. looks like everyone pretty much thinks 23 miles was not a good idea. How about you? :-)

    you need some rest...

  5. Yep, what they said. Probably would've been okay if your knee had been fine during Portland, but with it buggin' you...
