Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Second Day Sorness

ORN: 5.1 miles, R5/W1, 55:10, 10:43/mile

The rule of thumb that the sorest you'll be is two days after the run is certainly true. I had a very enjoyable 17.5 mile run on Monday and woke up this morning pretty stiff. I got out the door, though, and had a very easy five miler. And, as usual, after the first couple of miles, the legs loosened up, I got moving more smoothly and the run was in the books.

And, after a loooooooong Midwest winter, I can't tell you how good it is to just toss on a shirt and shorts and head out the door in the early morning. That alone makes the running worthwhile.

Looking ahead to the next event, the nation's largest half-marathon in Indy on May 3 (also known as "tres de Mayo" in Indiana), the weather may not be all that good...looking like it will be warm and possibly muggy. Makes me very glad I pushed for a good time in the first of this series of five spring half marathons. It sure is fun, though, to have a series of races fall together so nicely.

Also, a quick shout out to blogging buddy David who is running the Country Music Marathon in Nashville this weekend. Enjoy the hills, David, and persevere to the end!!


  1. Glad the warm weather caught up with you :-) I'll work on the muggy part for ya ;-)

    I used to think that when I was sore, I should continue to rest. Now, I know better. A good swim or recovery run does wonders for the legs...

  2. I feel like it takes three miles these days to warm up, no matter what I recently ran!

    Wow, you are already at short/tshirt? We are in shorts, though with long sleeves and vests and gloves. Yesterday it was 38 when I went out. Today I didn't run, but it was 41 this morning. Still a little chilly.

  3. I'm up to about 6-7 miles before I start to relax and run smoothly.

    Sounds like your running season is coming together nicely. The One America Mini Marathon sounds like a fun event. I've only been in Indy once in mid June and it was hot and humid just as you say. Hopefully the weather will stay tolerable so you can cruise to this seasons fastest half! If not the fastest the most fun!


  4. Nothing like a good run to shake out that soreness!

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Enjoy the Spring weather...thanks for the shout out...Saturday should be another adventure!

  6. Great spring weather! It's been cold here! Even snowed last Friday-Sunday! Crazy! Good luck and have fun at Indy!

  7. Anonymous12:50 AM

    A 17 miler sure is a great way to start off the week. I wish I could do that. Nice job!

  8. tres de mayo??! in the heartland! any excuse to sell some more cerveza (that's mexican for beer) 8-)

    There must be a story behind 17 miles on a Monday.

  9. Running in shorts is fab-u-lous!
