Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I am a runner...a tagged runner

ORN: 5 miles, R9/W1, with 4x 200 m accelerations

Sarah recently tagged me to describe why I am a runner. I’m game, Sarah…here goes!

I am a runner because:

Running is a year-round activity for me. Even in rotten Indiana weather.

I have a chart called
Dress for Winter Running Success to know what to wear in all the rotten Indiana weather. And I use the chart. And it is taped next to our shower. And my wife loves me anyway.

I have a running blog, which preserves my loving wife from having to endure unending blather about running.

I have painted little marks on curbs around my neighborhood to indicate each half mile on my running routes.

I plan races a year in advance.

I put the weather in the next race’s town on my Yahoo home page.

I mark my running shoes with little dots to identify each pair so I can rotate them correctly.

I use the word “only” in front of the words “a half marathon.”

I look forward to using the word “only” in front of the words “a marathon.”

I can pronounce “iliotibial band syndrome” correctly, describe it succinctly and don’t giggle when I say it.

I recognize other local runners by their gait not their faces.

I think about how to keep running in a proper perspective with respect to the other main areas of my life; family, faith, work, community.

Most of all, I am a runner just because I run.

How about you?? If you’d like to be tagged, consider yourself tagged.



  1. All good reasons. I run because that is the nature of man; a hunter who outlasts his quarry, runs it to ground and brings home the bacon, Baby.

  2. I love it Joe! I think you are very fortunate to have a wife who loves you despite all those little running quirks.

  3. and there I was thinking we all just had a screw loose somewhere ;-)

  4. Some very good ones here, Joe.
    I can especially relate to id'ing runners on the gait well before you can make out their faces.

  5. Those are good ones! : )

  6. You'll have to explain to me about the dots on the shoes and rotation pattern. The photos was, well, kind of cute!

    I'm not a runner but I do have dots on the bottoms of my navy blue shoes so I don't mix the black and blue ones of similar style when grabbing them from the closet!

    Your sister who might share some of these quirky things!!

  7. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Great list, Joe! No doubt you're a runner through and through. I like the dot idea on the back of the shoes. I have 1's and 2's on the back of mine.
