Friday, March 09, 2007

Heading to New Orleans

ORN: 6.2 miles, 1:00:50, 9:48/mile R4/W1

I’ll be off line for a week, as I’m heading to New Orleans later tonight on a service project. Ever since Katrina devastated that city, our
church has connected with another church in New Orleans to try to help at least one neighborhood recover. In the latest effort, 14 of us will spend a week in this neighborhood helping to make some of the houses and apartments which now have the debris removed livable again. There will be lots of cleaning, painting, furniture moving and other general repair work.

We don’t really know exactly what we’ll find…we hope to act with humility and service to a group of people that have suffered much. I look forward to telling you more on our return.

I’m hoping to get in three 4-5 mile runs while I’m there. I have no idea where or when that will be, but I can be rather creative at getting in runs. I enjoy visiting new places to run and how it helps one explore, at such a slow speed, just like
Waddler did on her recent journey to her home town.

My own running?? Wow…is it good to run regularly again. This morning’s run was one of those really good ones. I needed some extra milage, so did 6 on a work day, more than usual for me during the week. The temperature was a relatively balmy 34, with little wind, clear, dark sky, a bright quarter moon, Venus and Mars stunning in the sky. The run was smooth and pain free. I covered the Hadley Lake route (note to
Darrell: I’m using your practice now of naming my running routes…thanks!), which I have not run since October. On the return, I ran eastward, watching the sky’s first pre-dawn purple hues develop and move to orange as I got home. Invigorating.

Much more to talk about, but out of time. I’ll post more on my return.



  1. Joe,
    Have a great trip! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

  2. Joe,
    Have a good trip. Kudos for you going to help others still in need. Glad your running is going well and pain free. Keep it up!

  3. What an amazing opportunity. I would love to go. I used to plan trips to work with habitat for Humanity in the Yakima Valley in Eastern Washington. It is an undescribable experience. And to be able to do something similar for a literal disaster area in our own country...well, more people should give so much of themselves.
    God bless.

  4. Very nice 10K! How awesome is that trip going to be? Good luck, and God speed!

  5. You will already be well on your way by the time this get to your inbox. Have a wonderful trip. I know you will make a difference.

  6. The New Orleans trip sounds like an amazing experience! And your running is really coming along nicely. : )
