Saturday, November 04, 2006


ORN: 8.4 miles, 1:21:15, 9:40/mi

Finally. A longer run. It felt good.

The right knee was OK thorughout. Towards the end, I felt the ITB but never in a painful way. I decided to end the run around 8, rather than going 10, just thinking it prudent. Later in the day, the right leg was tight, but not painful. Ice, stretch, rest, will all work. I'll probably try 6 or so tomorrow.

Interestingly, the leg felt better when I ran on a camber of the road that let me roatate my right foot to the outside, or right. Which fits with an ITB diagnosis. I almost always run on left side of the road, facing traffinc and all. Could that explain why this is on my right leg and not my left?

At the urging of two commentors whom I value, I also ordered a foam roller today for working over the ITB regularly. Ah, the joy of pain...I can hardly wait.

Persevere. On either side of the road.


  1. Oh, yes, we have the foam roller. We both use it periodically. It really helps, though it really hurts when you roll. Feels good on the non-sore parts. Glad it's all going better!

  2. Yup, I heard about the foam roller thingee too. Should I buy one in advance, LOL. Good luck with it. Hope you heal up nicely....

  3. You'll love the foam roller! If you find a really sore spot, don't keep rolling over it, but just lie on it, applying pressure for about 1 minute. Its good pain! : )

  4. Sarah is right on with her advice. I can send you a link with some 'trigger points' too.

    Also, the camber probably plays a big part in your ITB issues. My PT-guy kept yelling at me to switch sides of the road (but, i would point out, it's my left leg!).'re being smart joe. that's what we like to see!

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I'm staying away from those foam rollers. I hear they can be painful.

    Hopefully it will help with the ITB.

  6. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Good thinking on cutting the run short. I also had an ITB and the roller helped alot. Take care.
