Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What WAAAAAS I thinking!!

ORN: Zip...overslept

I must be nuts.

Last week I posted my racing plans for the rest of the year. The big race is the Portland Marathon on October 1. Then, I posited I'd do the St Jude in Memphis on December 2, 9 weeks later.

What was I thinking of???

Remove the planned trip to hang with Elvis from the schedule. No way I'll turn around that level of effort in 9 weeks. My appetite was bigger than my stomach.

More likely, I'll try to pick a winter marathon sometime in January or February. Perhaps Birmingham or Houston. We'll see. Like my wife told me, laughingly, "You enjoy the planning even more than the running." I'm not sure about "even more" but certainly "as much."

A first this morning...I could not claw myself out of bed at 5:15 for today's scheduled 4 miler. So, I may go this evening...it is beautiful out. The big half marathon in Indy is just a few days away, and I'm rather blase about it. Wierd how that works...when you preceed the word "half marathon" with the words "it's only a".


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, the planning is at least half the fun. Now I just need the time and financial freedom to do all the races I could plan.
