ORN: 15.4 miles, 2:29:21, 9 41/mile
I'm not really figuring out this pain deal in my right thigh. I laid off Thursday and Friday. Got up this morning and it felt just the same as it has. I go run for two and a half hours and it feels just the same. So, what is it? Seems to just kinda "be there." Similar twinges have simply gone away before. I'm thinking I just keep on training and since it isn't in any joints, just let it be there.
My long runs are now dialing up, heading to the April 9 marathon. Today's weather was supposed to be 33 or so, but it was in the mid 40s when I headed out around noon. This means shorts and a ball cap. The run was unremarkable, other than the fact it was 15 miles. Which, a year ago, would have been amazingly remarkable. Now it's just a nice long run.
I set the Garmin's virtual trainer to a 9 45 pace and that helped; slowing me early, urging me later. I felt good at the end, could have gone farther, which is what I want.
Sixteen miles next Saturday, as the march continues.
If you enjoy numbers, here are my splits for the day:
9 12
9 31
9 46
9 46
9 57
9 53
9 37
10 02
9 31
10 01
9 26
9 42
9 44
9 50
9 36
3 38@ 8 46 pace
and stretching? what about all the stretching?!