ORN: 4 miles, no watch, felt OK
My mom died five years ago today.
Marge Ely was quite a woman. Born in 1917, she lived through the Depression, married before WW II, raised four kids (I'm #3 and the only son) and enjoyed 55 years of marriage before Dad died in 1993. She saw a lot. And never grew bitter.
While Gretchen and I worked overseas from 1976-1981, she took out a subscription to Runners World for me and would collect a couple months worth of issues, put them in a box and mail them to me. Always a treat to get that package every couple of months in the boonies of Africa. What she really liked, though, was how RW shared her name with other advertisers. She laughed and laughed at offers that came to her stating "Marge, as a serious runner, you need to ....." A great example of her sense of humor and sense of service to me.
Her faith, love, service and joy are fundamental to who I am. Her example of a wonderful marriage meant the world. I miss being able to pick up the phone and talk. But she's with Dad, together smiling at their family, spread all across the US.
Thanks, Mom.
what a beautiful tribute to a very special woman. You were lucky to know her. Thanks for sharing.