ORN: zero
I posted on New Year's Day about my plans for 2015; focusing on road marathons, hoping to get under four hours for the first time ever.
January training went well for three weeks, as I nailed each of the prescribed workouts. I had a little strain in my right Achillies tendon but nothing too bad...as I felt it a bit during the HUFF 50K on December 19 but not enough to even mention in the blog write up.
However, following a hard 14 mile run on January 17, with a fair amount of snow covered or icy running paths, the right Achillies was really hurting. By the next morning, it was so sore, I cut off the planned 8 mile easy jog at a single mile. I rested until Wednesday, attempted to run again and after 3 miles, that tendon was still sore. I then took 10 days off, iced the tendon several times daily. The tendon felt better while walking and while going up and down stairs. I felt it was improving. So, I tested it with a very, very gentle four mile run on a flat, dry course last Saturday, January 31. Wham, the discomfort sprang right back again, sore by the end of the run and turning very uncomfortable later in the day.
So, what to do now?
It seems the general advice is to rest extensively, like 2-3 months. This is odd...I've never had an injury like this, requiring so much time off. But it seems to be the deal. Probably an overuse injury from the increased mileage all last fall leading to my 50 mile and then 50K races, I'm now paying a bit of a price.
I have found a place to use a training cycle while the weather is cold and hope to get out on my real bike when the weather and streets permit. But this precludes any serious racing through the spring, it appears and so I'm making the mental adjustment. I hope to be able to begin to ramp back up through the summer and take a shot at some good races in the fall.
I welcome any comments or insight any of you have!! I'm grateful to have running as something I do, yet it is not something that defines me. So, this will be an interesting and instructive interlude!